Unfortunately this is not a report post.
I am sorry to disappoint anyone who was looking forward to reading another report post made by yours truly. However I decided to go ahead and forward this post to the audience here at Small-Medium Army Central. The following post was created by Wwebestfan, Doritos‘ creator, and published yesterday. After I had read it I could literally do nothing but nod my head in approval. I completely agree with it, 100%. Please continue on to read this phenomenal post as my attempt to inspire all of you.
Lately, it has come to my attention that many people have been making up pathetic lies about each other; making each other look bad, but obviously, i’m going have to stop bi-standing this time and actually make a rant about it.
Even though I am retired from armies, it seems to me that I do have a say in some things.
The CP Army World is no where near like what it was in 2009, these days people have no self-respect, no honesty, and obviously no loyalty.
Back in the days, armies didn’t ‘rage’ at one another, like what they do in today’s days. It’s pretty funny as the way I see the difference that has occurred lately, it’s WAY different than what I would have ever expected armies to turn out like 3 years later. We all used to be friends, but now no one trusts one another, and everyone thinks of everyone as a huge threat majority of the time.
Now I know, or at least I’m suspecting, most of you probably weren’t in armies back in 2009. Small armies tend to hold the more newer recruits testing out the boundary waters of armies. On the other hand, I was alive and active in 2009; fighting for the best army of them all, the Army of Club Penguin. Of course there was some fighting in armies back then, don’t get me wrong, but not to the degree that we see today. Not all of us were friends. However, there was an profoundness of respect for one another. Nobody thought lesser of another, and not one person held the thoughts of destroying something dear to another.
These days I can’t go one day without seeing some sort of posting war going on between two armies. Or people freaking out because they think they’re going to get punished (be it fired or getting hacked). 2009, in my opinion, was the highlight of armies. Everything was so tranquil. Obviously there were fierce wars, but everyone knew that it was nothing to go too overboard. After all, it is a game of throwing snowballs.
The words of “Self-respect” has definitely ended, it is no where around here anymore. Everyone has no respect for other enemy leaders, what happened to everyone being honest to enemy leaders? Even though they were enemies, they used to always speak the truth, if there was a war the army that is obviously losing would actually admit defeat. But these days, armies are just getting killed because everyone argues over pathetic reasons, that’s one of the main reasons why armies have decreased a large amount in sizes.
I don’t really care if you don’t agree with me or whatnot, I am just stating on what I believe in. I want to see the old days back, and i’m pretty sure people who are still here today back from the 08-09′ days would enjoy seeing it back too, even though servers aren’t divided into countries as they used to, we can still make armies old-fashioned, it would make it more unique, don’t you think? Wouldn’t you like to see a different era of armies?
The one thing I don’t agree with Wwebestfan is his opinion on old-fashionising armies. Don’t beat yourself up over your past, or another’s past. “Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” Though one must think of how long we’ve been stuck in our era of hatred. My guess would be that we’re going on our third year of this era. It’s time to try and mix things up, isn’t it? Now I don’t say this as in destroy the army that has been in the game the longest. What I’m trying to say is, become the new legend; the one that transitions armies into a new era. A new golden age! Because, after all, all eras contain at least one golden age. Anybody is capable of achieving this goal.
I would LOVE too, I miss seeing actual fun, actual wars, wars that looked realistic. I know people are going to disagree, but for those people who do, I couldn’t really care less about you really, I say what I want to say, and NO ONE can make me change my mind at this point.
Seeing people like Ioioluk and Waterkid spreading lies about other armies for one example is a BIG issue, it is a main issue that I think changed how armies are being ran and not being able to be changed back to the way that they were.
I’m not going to sit here and type out the names of people whom I think have dematerialized armies. Yes, some of our peers may be more to blame than others. If you think you are on of the few that have been spreading lies about other armies, just make it stop. Even though you might have the biggest army, the biggest cult, and the most armies afraid of you, doesn’t make you a great leader.
Concluding this post I will leave you all with my own words. Wwebestfan practically took the words out of my mouth. I am so grateful that he made this post, and hopefully more people will be able to see it as time ages. Right after reading the ‘speech,’ I already knew I would be making a post about it here. Do not take this post as a complaint for wanting change. Think of it more as a post from an old chap, like me, inspecting our current status as a community. I, for one, am not proud of what this generation of soldiers have decided be, and what they will teach to the next one.
What is YOUR opinion? Have you been in armies since 2009? Do you agree or disagree with the priorities this generation has decided to form? Let us know in the comments below!